Namaste Yoga Studio

"I honor the spirit within me"

Namaste yoga studio is located in the beautiful Almonte, Ontario. We are focused on allowing you the time and environment to fully honor yourself through yoga and meditation. Our classes are mixed level classes and allow modifications for all levels of yoga practice.

We look forward to joining you in your journey.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

52 weeks of yoga: Week Three (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

We probably all remember our first downward dog we ever experienced. The first time we felt our hamstrings pull that way, how our hips felt so free pressing up towards the sky and the stretch in our spines as we create a natural space between each vertebra. Downward facing dog creates the feeling of complete 'togetherness' as we have instant connection to our body. The first downward dog of the any yoga class usually elicits an 'a ha' moment for most students. Downward dog allows you to remember why you love yoga so much.

Downward facing dog is one of the most common and well known poses in a hatha yoga practice (to see a picture and description of downward dog, click on this link) Most people who have ever attended a yoga class can instantly say they know this pose.
Like anything that is well known we start to take it for granted. We forget the vast benefits of Adho Mukha Svanasana. It is such an amazing physical stretch for the whole body, especially focusing on hamstrings, shoulders and spine. It has great benefits on our circulatory system and aid the digestive system in its job in the body. This pose is also connected to the 1st and 2nd chakra (for more information on chakras, We found a great website: chakra energy)
Not only does downward facing dog create significant changes in our physical body but it is a great asana to come to for centering the mind. By allowing ourselves to embrace this pose during our practice we can create a natural 'resting' pose for our bodies and minds. Downward facing dog allows us to reconnect to our practice.
Try this week to embrace Downward facing dog in your practice!

Remember our winter session has begun and there is still room in our classes. We hope to see you there!


Jessica and Lindsay

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