Namaste Yoga Studio

"I honor the spirit within me"

Namaste yoga studio is located in the beautiful Almonte, Ontario. We are focused on allowing you the time and environment to fully honor yourself through yoga and meditation. Our classes are mixed level classes and allow modifications for all levels of yoga practice.

We look forward to joining you in your journey.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

52 weeks of yoga: Week one (Savasana)

Here we begin. It is a new year, a fresh start. A reason to start it off better for your soul.

A quote I read just last night said "True nobility isn't about being better then anyone else, it is being better then you used to be " (Dr. Wayne Dyer )

Do not take this in a negative way, as in "I need to change who I am because the original me is not good enough", that is not the case at all. The original you is beautiful and unique.
Use this quote as is inspiration to make this year the year you nurture your soul. The year in which you finally give yourself time to grow and become the person you know is inside you. The year in which you slow down and realize just how beautiful your existence is.

A great way to connect to your true self is with relaxation, meditation and reflection. The one yoga pose in which this is best done in is "Savasana"  (It is the lying down pose usually at the end of a yoga class or practice, and it alot of peoples favorite part of their yoga practice :).

Savasana is not usually recommended for meditation as it tend to lead to sleepiness but we find that if you are trying to begin your meditation practice, Savasana is a great pose to meditate in as it is comfortable and you have a great connection with your body and breath.
A very helpful tool with meditation when you find your mind drifting away from your focus, is to place your hand on your tummy and feel your breath. You'll feel your abdominal muscles rise and fall. The repetition of the rise and fall can help you to stay connected to your mediation and your body.

The steps to achieve savasana pose are well documented on this link I found through The Yoga Journal (The Yoga Journal has great "step by step's" for poses. They quite detailed which can be confusing at times but it is helpful to know how every part of your body should be in the each pose.)

Savasana is wonderfully transformational pose. It can bring you up if you are down and reconnect you to your true feelings by just allowing you to reconnect for a moment.

This week why not make the time to reconnect with savasana?


Jessica and Lindsay

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